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45 min - € 120
+5/10 minutes extra of relax

Online or In presence in Barcelona 

Chakra Cleansing and Alignment,

Kundalini Vital Force Support & Activation


Combination of Mermaid+Fairy Session

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Unicorn Session

In this session i will work with your chakras and subtle energies using my unique energy healing tecnique Kaeesha Method ™  combining the use of crystals and minerals.


The Chakras are energy points found in specific areas of the body responsible for the proper functioning of the organs and our physical, energetic, mental and spiritual state.

Remember that before things manifest themselves in matter, such as pain in some part of the body or problems in certain areas of your life, it is always because the cause is a malfunction, a blockage or a problem at the level of your energy body.

When all the Chakras are perfectly open and aligned, the awakening of the Kundalini Energy that is found at the base of the spine and that is asleep in more than 95% of human beings is stimulated and it is the energy that is activated when all The Chakras have been unlocked so that you can regain the possession of your Spiritual Sovereignty to manifest the life of your desires flowing with love and without fear and attracting all that is destined for you.


Rainbow Energy:

Each chakra has a rainbow color and with this session you will work with the energy of the 7 colors.


Unicorn Energy:

Unicorns are beings that actually exist, but vibrate at a higher frequency, therefore they are not visible to the eyes of most humans. One of the aspects that differentiates them from the normal horse is the horn that is placed on the forehead, in the region of the Third Eye chakra that is the source of their magical powers. These magical horns can be opened to radiate powerful and beautiful energy outward and have healing powers. In the session this ray of pure and unconditional energy is invoked to drive away negative powers and heal humans of various ailments.



- all the Chakras of the body will be realigned, cleaned, unblocked and reopened;

- your spiritual connection, psychic powers and intuition are improved;

- communication and expression skills are improved;

- improves self-love, increases gratitude and compassion;

- Self-esteem, personal confidence, inner power and manifestation are improved;

- creativity and sexuality are improved;

- gets rid of stagnant energy and improves the ability to act in accordance with your goals;

- The Kundalini Energy is reactivated so that you can regain possession of your Divine Power of Spiritual Being, making the most of this earthly experience using your maximum potential;

(If your Kundalini has already been awakened it is always an opportunity to receive more healing, cleansing your energy body and increasing your power).

- Activation of Rainbow DNA, 7 strands of Divine DNA


.....and much more!!!


If done consistently, this session brings countless benefits to all sides of your life: physical, psychic, mental and spiritual and accompanies you in your process to become the best possible version of yourself.


* Every connection, interaction, and service is sacred and reflects genuine authenticity, pureness of intentions, unconditional love, absolute truth, and transparency.

I uphold elevated moral standards, demonstrating respect, integrity, compassion and absence of judgment throughout.

This dedication is in accordance with the core tenets of the Law of One and the principle of Service to Others.

It is my humble privilege to be here on Earth to serve in this time of collective ascension and trasformation for Humanity

& i embrace this role of service with the highest respect and gratitude on this planet here now.

Forever in service of the Benevolent Forces of the Universe and the Wisdom of the Heart.

And so it is. - Benedetta.

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