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Magic Therapy

60 min - € 100
90 min - € 150
2 hours - € 180

Online or In person in Barcelona


Speak up and let it all out, even the most hidden secret that you never had the courage to share for fear of being judged or misunderstood...or simply feed your thirst of knowledge about any topic! Here you have the maximum freedom to express yourself, talk in depth about your traumas, vent, share experiences, ask, learn, heal, satisfy your curiosity and discover a new world inside and outside of you ...

all divinely guided. It's Magic!

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Embark on a transformative conversation in this unique guided session in a safe space completely free of judgement.
Here you're able to share stories, talk about an experience you never shared before because you were afraid, ashamed or you never found the right person to talk to, explore any topic, discuss specific issues or ask all the questions you want to feed your knowledge and curiosity or understand better certain things about yourself, energy or the universe - everything while enjoying an amazing warm cup of tea or infusion with me, if in presence! 

(For instance let’s say you want to understand better how ‘Manifestation’ works, I will explain you everything in details giving you my ancient cosmic perspective so you will be able to apply this beautiful knowledge in your daily life.)

Unlike the passive nature of the Akashic reading, where I’m usually delivering the guidance and you are more in a 'listening state' and silently taking in all the information, this experience is a more pro active, dynamic and interactive chat.

As a skilled psychic and intuitive empath, I provide divine guidance infusing our dialogue with intuitive insights always connected to your guides,

your angelic and/or cosmic team that always comes in and help me guide you when the space between us opens.

This session solves in a short time (minutes or hours) what academic psychology attempts to solve in months or even years, as you will be heard, seen and talked to from a higher trascendental cosmic perspective.

So whether it's personal stories, concerns, general topics or questions, we navigate together through the conversation, creating a space where your thoughts are met with spiritual guidance, fostering a unique and profound connection.

It may even happen that the conversation transforms into an Akashic Reading if needed.

Be open to the unexpected!


* Every connection, interaction, and service is sacred and reflects genuine authenticity, pureness of intentions, unconditional love, absolute truth, and transparency.

I uphold elevated moral standards, demonstrating respect, integrity, compassion and absence of judgment throughout.

This dedication is in accordance with the core tenets of the Law of One and the principle of Service to Others.

It is my humble privilege to be here on Earth to serve in this time of collective ascension and trasformation for Humanity

& i embrace this role of service with the highest respect and gratitude on this planet here now.

Forever in service of the Benevolent Forces of the Universe and the Wisdom of the Heart.

And so it is. - Benedetta.

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