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Dragon Session

45 min - € 150
+5/10 minutes extra of relaxation

Online or In presence in Barcelona


Alchemy, Transmutation Negativity,

Cutting Cords, Dissolution all blockages,

End of Karma,

Rebirth, Deep Cleansing

Canyon Dragon - CGTrader Digital Art Competition.jpg

In this session i will work with your chakras and subtle energies using my unique energy healing tecnique Kaeesha Method ™  combining the use of crystals and minerals.


Many times we really struggle to eliminate certain incorrect behaviors in our life, change certain negative sides of our character and implement those changes that would allow us to evolve towards the best version of ourselves but we often fail or fail to overcome certain limits.

One of the reasons why it is so difficult is because we all carry traumas, blocks or karmic contracts that we do not even know that we did before this reincarnation or that we carry from other past lives.

This session helps you to transmute all the negativity of this life or past lives or to eliminate negative entities that may have joined your energy field (it happens, but you don't have to be afraid!) By transmuting all the 'evil' into Love and Light, so that you can put the past aside and rewrite your future in the best way using the maximum potential of your abilities.

Also recommended for people who think they have absorbed too much negativity from someone or some situation and feel they need to cleanse themselves vigorously or if you plan to do more sessions, this is ideal to create a base for the next ones.



The energy of the dragon is purification and transformation, alchemy, it helps us to get rid of old patterns and belief systems.

You are entering the you that is, the you that has always been. Dragon energy is creative. It is the fire of the soul.

The dragon represents a magical energy, symbolizing our power to transmute and create with intention, imagination and purpose. Fire purifies, illuminates and clarifies, revealing the truth. Alchemical transformation. The energy of the dragon requires that we find our voice. Facing the dragon requires courage, strength, self-love, and strong limits. It requires that we honor ourselves and our values. Sometimes facing the dragon forces us to take risks, other times it asks us to defend our values or defend us if there is opposition. The dragon reminds us who we are: his passion cannot be contained, instigating an awakening, perhaps requiring an effort to realign and balance the scales. The source of this energy is passionate love for ourselves and for others. Sometimes you have to jump. But remember, the dragon can fly!



The violet flame is a one-of-a-kind spiritual energy that has the power to assist you in all aspects of your life. The flame has the power to heal you emotionally and physically and to improve all the relationships in your life and help you grow spiritually. The color violet has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum, which means that it is at the transition point to the octave of spiritual light. Over the years, mystics and spiritualists have associated the color violet with qualities such as forgiveness, mercy, and freedom. This flame actually helps you not only to transmute and purify your entire energy field but also to forgive your past in this current life or hurts from other past lives (consciously or not) so that you can move forward with a light heart and compassion in your life. future.


Often times more than one session may be required depending on how deeply ingrained certain blocks and boundaries are. You can repeat the session as many times as you want.


*** After the session, you may notice situations ending in your life or people drifting away, but this is not a bad thing, it just means that everything that is not meant to get in your way is leaving. Unfortunately we often see 'ends' as unpleasant things, the reality is that we are destined for something better, we just have to be ready to receive with positivity and gratitude!


* Every connection, interaction, and service is sacred and reflects genuine authenticity, pureness of intentions, unconditional love, absolute truth, and transparency.

I uphold elevated moral standards, demonstrating respect, integrity, compassion and absence of judgment throughout.

This dedication is in accordance with the core tenets of the Law of One and the principle of Service to Others.

It is my humble privilege to be here on Earth to serve in this time of collective ascension and trasformation for Humanity

& i embrace this role of service with the highest respect and gratitude on this planet here now.

Forever in service of the Benevolent Forces of the Universe and the Wisdom of the Heart.

And so it is. - Benedetta.

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