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Crystals Consultation

90 min - € 150

Online or In person in Barcelona


Get a consultation on the crystals you need at this stage

of your life to evolve and/or heal or help you in certain

specific areas.
Crystals are alive and have various properties including

many healing ones that work directly on your energy



“All things have a frequency and vibration.
Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation.
In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative

life principle, and though we cannot understand the life of a crystal,
it is nonetheless a living being.”
NIKOLA TESLA, the greatest scientist and inventor ever existed.


You will receive a table with your guiding crystal, the one of year, the one of the month and the ones you will need in the next 3 months. The crystals you will have to sleep with, the ones you will have to meditate with and the ones you will have to carry around and so on, with an explanation of their properties and the reasons why you need them.


* Every connection, interaction, and service is sacred and reflects genuine authenticity, pureness of intentions, unconditional love, absolute truth, and transparency.

I uphold elevated moral standards, demonstrating respect, integrity, compassion and absence of judgment throughout.

This dedication is in accordance with the core tenets of the Law of One and the principle of Service to Others.

It is my humble privilege to be here on Earth to serve in this time of collective ascension and trasformation for Humanity

& i embrace this role of service with the highest respect and gratitude on this planet here now.

Forever in service of the Benevolent Forces of the Universe and the Wisdom of the Heart.

And so it is. - Benedetta.

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