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Galactic Session

75 min - € 200
+10/15 minutes extra of relax

Galactic DNA activation and Merkaba,

Cellular Healing #Starseed



The Galactic session through the healing method of Ancient Lemuria + Crystals + Monoatomic Gems combines the Crystalline and Diamond energies to purify, accompany and accelerate the transformation process of your body from carbon base to crystalline base to start living already in this dimension of the New Golden Age, the Fifth Dimension, available now on this planet and in this multidimensional universe. We are in a very important historical moment for our planet, in fact we are about to take a quantum leap and witness the greatest evolutionary step in the history of Humanity. While the world is in chaos, a part of human beings is awakening to their own Spiritual nature. Right now, the Sun is increasing its frequency, which is being spaced out by big corporations, big regimes, and false science like 'climate change'; the reality is that the frequency of the Sun, which is Divine Energy, RA - and the ancients knew it very well - is increasing accompanying the Earth in its next reincarnation cycle, GAIA. In this process the collective frequency of this planet is changing like our bodies, in fact our body composition has always been carbon, but during this quantum leap it will begin to slowly pass to a crystalline plasma composition to allow the earthlings to become in Galactic Humans and collectively live in the New Dimension, 5D, which requires energetic and lighter bodies.


Lemurian Technique:

Lemuria was an ancient continent that existed before Atlantis 4,500,000 BC that was located in the Pacific Ocean and stretched from the western United States and Canada to lands in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar and was an extremely advanced society from one point from a spiritual point of view; the inhabitants of Lemuria, in particular the priests and priestesses of the ancient temples, knew very advanced techniques and technologies for the healing of the physical and energetic body that will be used in this session; These techniques have been handed down by the ancient inhabitants of Lemuria and are contained in the DNA of those who had past lives on this earth. For example, Nikola Tesla, one of the greatest inventors and scientists in history, was the reincarnation of a Lemurian soul. The technique used in this session is to rejuvenate your entire cellular system. using crystals in a specific way; in Lemuria there were temples where people entered and left after only three days rejuvenated for several years, in fact, in the future there will no longer be old age that is part of the old paradigm of reality.


Crystalline Energy:

The Crystalline Energy is the energy of the New Age of Light for the planet; crystalline in form and origin is the platform from which we can step into deeper and more permanent peace, joy, and fulfillment. Crystalline energy is the energy of light and love, which means that anything that is not aligned with love and your Higher Self will gradually disappear. Crystalline energy is an omnipotent energy source that has implications that go beyond the current understanding of humanity. Its crystalline structure is formed by a coherent multidimensional luminous resonance essence, existing in matter and antimatter. The divine template is the source of the manifestation of creativity. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the vitality of which forms the integral nature of all words and realities. This energy enters the New Age Dora in many ways. The crystalline grid surrounds our planet, the Earth's core becomes crystalline, and DNA and our light bodies are transforming from a carbon-based structure to a crystalline one. Your crystalline heart, a radiant diamond, marks the access point to the consciousness of Christ, the consciousness of unity, that we are all One because all there is is energy. The language of light communicates through a quantum process such as colors, shapes and sequences, a grid of light helps us to replace accumulated subconscious patterns from the past with a new vibration of light, encouraging us and allowing us to live a fuller and fuller life. meaningful in the present moment. The crystalline grid is increasing our dimensional reception from the 3rd to the 12th dimension and beyond.


Diamond Energy:

Diamond Energy is a geometric structure that connects us with our divine essence and its unlimited potential; it is actually a fundamental energetic structure that helps bridge the material and non-material worlds. It vitalizes your ability to receive many frequencies of light (and therefore information) from the universal electromagnetic spectrum. The Diamond Light Web harmonizes you with the heart of all sacred patterns and geometries, and is the crucible of creation, receiving, transforming and then transmitting information back to the Universal source. It is part of the sacred geometry that shapes our auric field into an octahedral diamond. An octahedron consists of two pyramids joined at their base. When we continue our journey to a higher level of consciousness, it is important that our diamond matrix is ​​harmonized and optimized, as only then will we be ready for the ascension process. When we embark on the path to spiritual awakening, the Diamond Light Grid is not only an energy tool, but also a vehicle or body of light that can accelerate the process (Merkaba).

It connects us with our Higher Self, our soul body, with a structure that is strong enough to receive high energies and facilitate the transformation of our consciousness. Before Mary, Mother of God, Isis was the archetype of the Great Mother. In this age of revolutionary changes in the consciousness of man, she is here to help us build a crystalline body of light through an individual's diamond light grid. As we progressively receive more light and more energy flows through our crystalline body systems, Isis helps us deal with these changes and challenges. The crystalline matrix, which is a compound of the human form, is based on the Fibonacci sequence and sacred geometry. Each cell in our body has a nucleus surrounded by crystals in specific geometric relationships. Your Diamond Light Grid is your connection to the higher level of consciousness, allowing access to the high energy potential of spiritual energy, the energy that fuels us and provides us with healing, balance, and connection to our Creator. A diamond is a symbol of love, beauty, perfection, and precious worth. It is the spiritual goal of our soul, our spiritual perfection, and a deep bond with the highest spheres of being.



- reactivate the 12th strand of your DNA awakening the dormant Crystalline Consciousness;

-promote cell rejuvenation;

- receive deep healing and cleansing at the cellular level;

- cleanse your Aurea and Chakras;

- favor the transition of the body from carbon to crystalline base (plasma), accelerating the transformation process from Terrestrial Human to Galactic Human;

- reactivate your nature of being Multidimensional awakening the MERKABA Body of Light with which it is possible to travel astrally between all dimensions and overcome the physical limits of the human body;

- reactivate ancient gifts, abilities and memories of past lives;

- reactivate your full potential and improve your experience of life on Earth on this planet.


Keep in mind that some of the effects will not be immediate, but you should let the body integrate the new energies to notice the changes and evolution of the soul in your life.


It is advisable to sunbathe and drink plenty of water after the session.


You can repeat the session as many times as you want.



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