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Angel Session

trial fee: 10 min - 35
30 min - 70 €  
60 min - 100 €
90 min - 150 €
Online or In presence in Barcelona

Get the guidance tailored for you from your Spirit Guides, Angelic or Cosmic Team & consult your Akashic Records.

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Delve into the depths of self-discovery with this transformative Akashic Reading service, blending the wisdom of mediumship, tarot, and oracle cards.

This session goes beyond traditional approaches.

As a skilled psychic and intuitive empath, I bridge the gap between worlds, connecting you with insights from the ethereal and beyond.


Imagine a session with a psychologist elevated to a higher perspective, accessing ethereal realms and connecting with your spirit guides, angelic and cosmic beings who know you better than anyone else in the Universe.


Unlock profound insights about the essence of your soul and understand yourself and your circumstances on a higher and deeper level.


Gain clarity on the decisions or direction you have to take in life and/or around problems, traumas, blockages, and personal issues you may be experiencing, if there are any and finally discover more about your soul blueprint, divine destiny, and life purpose.


End your Karma and start living your Dharma!


Unlike prolonged therapies, where venting persists, this session offers you a direct and honest journey to the core problems, addressing the root of issues (which may be found in your lineage or even other lifetimes, for example...) and provides you with the fundamental information and tools to heal and evolve into the best version of yourself in just one session.


You will leave our time together already changed, and transformation will be activated right after or during our first meeting.

This is not too good to be true; it is simply what it is.

After years of experience, I can say this is what happens 99% of the time with confidence.

It is the miracle of pure intentions and faith, along with being a skilled channel of the unconditional love of source energy.


If you already have clarity about your path and feel you have no major issues to resolve, this is just an opportunity to get more pieces of the puzzle of your life and receive confirmations that will empower you to trust yourself and your inner compass even more.

But the book of your soul is so vast that there is always new information you may need to receive when you come here.


Just trust and open your heart to the magic of the Universe!


You can decide the theme or area of life in which you would like to receive more guidance (couple and relationship guidance is also available), or you can completely surrender to your own guides and all the beings of light who want to help you and let them tell you exactly what you need.


(A single session can completely change your life, or multiple sessions can be repeated to accompany and guide you on your path of evolution and self-knowledge. It depends on each one, as every soul, path, and life is unique and different).


* Every connection, interaction, and service is sacred and reflects genuine authenticity, pureness of intentions, unconditional love, absolute truth, and transparency.

I uphold elevated moral standards, demonstrating respect, integrity, compassion and absence of judgment throughout.

This dedication is in accordance with the core tenets of the Law of One and the principle of Service to Others.

It is my humble privilege to be here on Earth to serve in this time of collective ascension and trasformation for Humanity

& i embrace this role of service with the highest respect and gratitude on this planet here now.

Forever in service of the Benevolent Forces of the Universe and the Wisdom of the Heart.

And so it is. - Benedetta.

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