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(Short fast version of the Angel Session - VIA EMAIL ONLY).


Request your super-fast cosmic assistance via EMAIL.

Receive a specific message or a short but concise guide for this stage of your life to make the right decisions, get to know yourself better, connect on a deeper level with your soul and the Universe, become the best version of yourself,

meet/confirm your path and make all your dreams come true. ​

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Magic Therapy


Speak up and let it all out. Here you have the maximum freedom to express yourself, vent, ask, learn, satisfy your curiosity about any topic and discover a new world inside and outside of you ... all divinely guided. It's Magic!

Angel Session


Receive the message and guidance from your Spirit Guides,

your Angelic and/or Cosmic Team and consult your Akashic Records

 to make the right decisions, to know yourself better, to connect on a deeper level

with your soul, find the right path, heal and make all your dreams come true.


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Mermaid Session


Kaeesha Method Healing with Crystals

and Light Codes of Lemuria & Atlantide + Dolphin Energy

intended to unlock or improve aperture and alignment

of the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakra.


Totally relaxes, restores clarity and calms the nervous system.


Fairy Session



Kaeesha Method Healing with Crystals,

charged with Fairy and Elemental Kingdom Energy

whose objective is to unlock or improve the opening and alignment

of the Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus, Sacral and Root Chakra.


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Unicorn Session



Energetic Healing Kaeesha Method + Crystals

charged with Mystical Unicorn Energy and Rainbow Energy

whose objective is to unlock or improve the openness and alignment of all

the Chakras stimulating the awakening of the KUNDALINI Vital Energy that is found at the base of the spinal column of every human being.



Dragon Session



Energetic Healing Kaeesha Method + Crystals with

Dragon and Violet Flame Energy to cleanse your entire Chakra System

and your Energy Field from any Negative Energy or Entity,

Energetic Parasites, Toxins, Traumas, Wounds, Limits, Blockages

of this life and previous reincarnations,

dissolving any Limiting Soul Contract, Karmic Relationships,

Toxic Behaviors and Thoughts.


Deep cleansing that drives away any Negativity or anything that blocks you,

limits you and does not allow you to become the best version of yourself

by eliminating Karma and dissolving all the Ego.



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Butterfly Session


Kaeesha Method Healing with Crystals + Lemurian Technique,

charged with Crystal and Diamond Energy Light Codes

To go 'from caterpillar to butterfly!'

to awaken your MERKABA, latent codes at a DNA level 

and to rejuvenate and cleanse all the Cellular System

and your Auric Field of all toxins.


Crystal Consultation


Get a consultation on the crystals you need at this stage

of your life to evolve and/or heal or help you in certain

specific areas.

Crystals are alive and have various properties including

many healing ones that work directly on your energy




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